BRIGHT - A cluster visit organized by Eurasanté in Lille

As part of our BRIGHT project, which seeks to intensify cross-sectoral cooperation between partners and their stakeholders and with other ecosystems in Europe, we are organising a visit to our cluster, Eurasanté, in Lille on March 30th and 31st.
During the visit, partners will be able to discover Eurasanté’s Bio Business Parc :
They will see our bio-incubator and some of its actors such as the EGID and OncoLille laboratories which are respectively conducting cutting-edge research on diabetes and cancer.
They will also be able to discover the city of Lille and its ecosystem. The aim is to present and discuss our working methods with the incubator, start-ups in our region and players in the local healthcare system.
A future post will detail the course of the visit later this year.