Boosting Widening Digital Innovation Hubs project has allowed the provision of joint services to local SMEs by two DIHs located in different regions. The aim was to build a Digital Innovation Hub network that will support companies in turning their most innovative projects to life.
BOWI network is encouraging interregional collaboration focused on the needs for digital transformation of the SMEs and relying on the DIHs to solve these needs.
The event will present the results of the cross-border experiments conducted together by DIHs in different regions, within BOWI and offer participants additional resources, such as networking opportunities and funding prospects. SMEs will have the chance to present their digitalization solutions, engage in business speed-dating with investors, and attract further funding for post-project development of their solutions. They will meet other SMEs and DIHs in person and discuss possible collaboration in creating corridors and implementing joint projects.
For DIHs it will be a good opportunity to hear and discuss the challenges and benefits of supporting cross-border collaboration between SMEs, in their effort to support digital transformation. Participants will also have the chance to find out what the best practices in corridor creation are, as well as lessons learned shared by the DIHs.
The different sessions in the program will contribute to the ongoing effort of forging interregional collaborations between DIHs and creating more awareness about the structural interregional corridors BOWI is building across Europe.