Participate in the fifth thematic mission of the AURORA project which will take place in Wageningen (The Netherlands) from Tuesday 24 to Thursday 26 October.
Are you interested in the topic of Personalised Nutrition, and in discovering the rich ecosystem of Foodvalley around this topic? Then join our 3-day programme!
- Join us on the September 20, 2023 at 3pm for an informative webinar and discover Wageningen agri & agrofood ecosystem!
- Areas of Programme: 3-day thematic on personalised nutrition in Wageningen, The Netherlands
- Co-funding opportunities: discover the ClusterXchange, an EU mobility scheme
For whom?
This mission is designed for professionals working in the health & nutrition field, and in particular to those interested in further developing and scaling the topic of personalised nutrition. This includes experts working on R&D, healthcare, nutritionists, researchers, scientists, dieticians, but also professionals working in related fields such as AI, sensors and digital solutions in relation to food & health.
Speaker & contact
- Thomas van der Lee, Project Manager in FoodValley, agri & agro innovation cluster in The Netherlands (thomas.vanderlee [at] (thomas[dot]vanderlee[at]foodvalley[dot]nl))
Cluster organisation