2nd OPEN CALL - ClusterXchange visit in Sweden 14th-16th November, 2023

Submitted by Pernilla Löfling on 03 October 2023

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Dalarna Science Park participates in the GreenTech 2.0 project, which aims to strengthen cooperation within the ecosystems of cluster organizations and support SMEs in taking advantage of development opportunities in the area of green technologies. International cooperation between organizations affiliated with the cluster ecosystem is facilitated thanks to the ClusterXChange program.

This three-day visit aims to introduce you to organizations and companies working with green transition, innovation and sustainable solutions. Focus areas will be energy and fossil free production. You will also get an insight how Science Parks in Sweden support companies and innovative solutions that contribute to the fulfilment of the global goals in Agenda 2030.

Target groups
Cluster organisations, Researchers, Science Parks, Technology parks and intermediaries interested in the green transmission of the industry and in finding cooperation opportunities. Small and medium-sized enterprises with innovative ideas and solutions for managing the residual streams that arise in the industries.
Find out more: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18k9lXwoEIpjJ-2_jsJdseiNoK-fuE8bi/view
The call for visiting Sweden is open until 20th Oct 2023. Participants' seats are limited - apply now: https://biturl.top/mUjEZv
More information about the program: https://www.greentech-project.eu/clusterxchange-programme
Contact: pernilla.lofling@dalarnasciencepark.se

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Agenda SWEDEN ClusterXchange Programme.pdf 574.65 KB
Cluster organisation
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