Madrid AeroSpace Cluster is Copernicus Relay
As part of the Space Strategy for Europe, the European Commission has established a network of Copernicus ambassadors: the Copernicus Relays.
The Copernicus Relays are in place since the first quarter of 2017. They act as local champions, coordinating and promoting activities around the Copernicus Programme, its benefits, and opportunities for local residents and businesses.
The members of this new community, which already involves more than 60 organisations, are the representatives of Copernicus on the ground and will be promoting the benefits of the EU’s Earth Observation Programme.
They are the voice, but also the eyes and the ears, of the Commission at local and regional level to ensure that user needs are integrated into the Programme and to maximise its use at local and operational level.
The network is part of a wider toolkit of initiatives designed to provide information about the programme and address any concerns from citizens about accessing data and information from Copernicus. In addition, these localised one-stop shops spread the word about opportunities set up by the Commission to support the development of innovative applications and new business models.
Madrid Aerospace Cluster is the only Spanish cluster to which the European Commission has granted this responsibility. The other Spanish Copernicus Relays are: Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial (INTA), Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN), Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI), Laboratorio de Observación de la Tierra de la Universidad de Valencia and our partner GMV.